Edgar Obie (S71)
Chinook, MT
Field Elevation: 2416
Lat: 48°35.53N  Long: 109°15.04W
CTAF/Unicom Freq: 118.3500
Weather Advisories
2025-02-15   00:36 Z
Altimeter 30.13" Hg
Wind 060° @ 7 KT
Gusts --
Visibility 1 1/4 SM
Temperature -15° C (5° F)
Dewpoint -17° C (1° F)
Relative Humidity 87%
Density Altitude --
Condensation Altitude 3,200 feet
Wind Chill: -22° C (-8° F)
Wind and Runways
Indicated Runway = 08
Headwind = 7 kt
Crosswind = 2 kt
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FAA Disclaimer: The data displayed is for advisory purposes only and is not to be used for flight planning or operations. For official data, please call (not available) to hear the current automated AWOS voice message.
  METAR S71 150036Z AUTO 06007 1 1/4 SM M15/M17 A3013